For Chambers Feature: Dr. Porscha Bailey - Doctor of Podiatry

For Chambers Features highlights the journeys of folx in our community. They are willing (and brave enough) to offer an authentic account of where they are in their journey. 

We hope that a peek into their journey will help you along your own.

First Up - Dr. Porscha Bailey, DPM. 


Dr. Bailey is wearing the Love Shirt.

Where are y°u™? ⁣

“I am currently on a journey of self-rediscovery. Having limited access to outside right now has allowed me to journey inward. ⁣

Thus far, along my journey, I have become a Board Certified Foot and Ankle Surgeon who is currently completing Fellowship training in a very exciting and specialized field. It may seem to others that I have it all figured out....but I don't. ⁣

I have also struggled with insecurities and obsessive thoughts about when to start a family. However, I'm finally at a place where I realize that not having it all figured out is okay. I know now that at this moment in time, I'm exactly where I should be, and all my life experiences have shaped me into the person I am today. ⁣

I have decided to be grateful for what I actually do have instead. I have a fantastic career, loving and supportive family, a great group of friends, a personal relationship with God and so many more blessings. Although, I do have dreams, desires, and goals; I am practicing acceptance of uncertainty and loving my journey.⁣”

Instagram: @luxuryporscha

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